Eagle Eyes Transportation

Home > Charter A Bus

Charter A Bus

For general inquiries, please use the contact information listed below.

Provide us some information about you and your event and we will be in touch to help you finalize the details. It’s that simple!

Charter A Bus Form

Student Safety

We put safety first. Our customers, the school children, and our employees are the most important parts of our business. Thus, we place their safety above every other thing that we do.

High Customer Service

Our drivers are trained in human skills, not just transport skills. They connect better with people and have greater relationships with your team.

Award-Winning Service

We are award winning school transport service company with years of experience in student safety

Cost Savings

You save money on your transport budget by letting us weigh up your annual spend and logistic movements, then we run them more efficiently.

Our company's top priority is customer safety

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